£10million road boost for City Region

Two road improvement schemes with the potential to support over 19,000 jobs have been approved by Government.

Local Enterprise Partnerships across the country were asked to identify schemes that would not only improve the Highways Agency’s Strategic Road Network (SRN) but also aid economic growth across their areas as part of the nationwide Pinch Point programme.

Two schemes recommended by the Liverpool City Region LEP were approved. They are Junction 11, M56, Daresbury and improvements to Bridge Road, Sefton. The Daresbury scheme will involve the installation of traffic signals and widening the overbridges and the westbound M56 exit slip road. At Sefton, the scheme will provide a westbound lane though the centre of the roundabout, separating local and through traffic.

Mike Palin, LEP Executive Director for Strategic Economic Development said: “This is great news for the City Region. These two schemes not only aid economic growth across the region by reducing congestion at locations that are close to economic regeneration areas and Enterprise Zones, but are central to our Key Sector Growth Strategy.

Mike added: “Transport provides the crucial links that allow people and businesses to prosper and we will continue to work with Government to bring further investment in schemes that reduce congestion and support economic growth across the City Region.”

Liverpool Waterfront