Hundreds of Liverpool families are to benefit from festive gifts donated by city council staff through the annual gift appeal.
WATCH: Local organisations are presented with the gifts by Assistant Mayor, Councillor Ann O’Byrne
Gifts will be wrapped and delivered in time for Christmas to local families via Walton Salvation Army, our local hostels and our care leavers. We are also donating items to the council’s corporate charity, Roots Trust, to help kit out their centre for adults with mental health issues.
Pictured are Assistant Mayor, Cllr Ann O’Byrne, Major Sharon Duff and Jeanette Griffiths from the Salvation Army, Liverpool city council Chief Executive Ged Fitzgerald, care leaver Caitlin Ruddy, and her 18 month old toddler Jaiden Bassett and Julie Cashin, the council’s Children’s Rights and Participation Officer.