Can you spare ten minutes and just £1 next Thursday, 5 March, to raise funds to get kids reading in Liverpool?
Organised by national charity Read for Good and the Liverpool Learning Partnership, Drop Everything and Read Liverpool – #DEARLiverpool – is part of the two-week Liverpool schools Readathon, 2-13 March, but everyone can take part – including grown-ups!
At 10am (or any other time that suits on Thursday, which is also World Book Day) everyone is being asked to stop what they’re doing and read something – it doesn’t have to be a book – for just 10 minutes.
Everyone taking part is also asked to donate £1. Funds raised will support schools’ libraries, book boxes for Liverpool Learning Partnership’s transition Summer Schools project and Read for Good’s programme of taking books and storytellers into children’s hospitals including Alder Hey.
This year’s #DEARLiverpool and the Readathon are also part of Liverpool’s Year of Reading #LiverpoolReads initiative.
This is the third time that Liverpool has taken part in a Readathon with £33,000 being raised across 2017 and 2018. For 2020, 124 Liverpool schools have already signed up and 38,000 children are raring to go.
A survey by the National Literacy Trust in 2018 found that children who have taken part in a Readathon are likely to read more, read widely, and to use their school library.
You can follow what’s happening on Thursday and also share your own photos using #DEARLiverpool and #LiverpoolReads on social media.
Funds raised can be paid in online to Read for Good using Charity Checkout.