older couple in care home
older couple in care home

£7 million financial boost for care sector in Liverpool

Liverpool City Council is set to increase the rates paid to the care sector in Liverpool to enable it to boost the pay of staff.

It follows a consultation with resident, nursing and home care providers whose staff provide help and support for around 11,000 people at home and another 3,500 living in residential and nursing homes.

A report to the Cabinet on Friday 22 June is proposing an increase which will cost just over £7 million, paid for through the Government’s Better Care Fund.

It will see an increase of 70 pence in the hourly rate for home care – up from £13.62 to £14.32.

Residential care for older people will go up from £407.16 to £426.01 per week and residential care for people with dementia will increase from £503.94 to £527.87.

Nursing care for older people will increase from £445.16 to £465.95 per week, and nursing care for those with dementia will go up from £506.73 to £530.75.

There will also be rises for companies who provide staff in supported living and day services, and those who are employed by people on direct payments.

Cabinet member for adult social care, Councillor Paul Brant, said: “Staff in the care sector do a tremendous job keeping some of our most vulnerable residents safe.

“Despite the financial challenges facing the city council, we are determined to do what we can to make sure staff get a decent pay rise.

“In calculating the revised rate we have looked closely at the amount paid by other local authorities in the region as well as taking into account the rising costs in the sector.”

If approved, the new rate will be back dated to 1 April 2018.


Liverpool Waterfront