Young people in Liverpool are being given the opportunity to join an exciting new programme which will provide opportunities for paid work placement.
The City Council has teamed up with Liverpool University and City of Liverpool College to provide opportunities for 30 young people aged 16and17-year-olds who are not in employment, education and training (NEETs).
They will have a 24 week work programme, which includes a College based Study Course – working towards a level 1 qualification plus a work-based placement including carrying out administrative work in the different departments of the University.
At the end of the Study Course “guaranteed progression interviews” will be available for all candidates with the opportunity to access the 10 pre-apprenticeships places that will be available.
A presentation about this initiative will be held on 6 August (2-5pm) at the City of Liverpool College, Arts Centre, Myrtle Street. Places have to be booked by 31 July.
Councilor Nick Small, cabinet member for skills, enterprise and employment, said: “This is part of the Liverpool Youth Contract Mayoral Initiative. Youth unemployment is a great challenge for the city but innovative programmes such as this offer opportunities for young people to find work.