A recipe to avoid waste

Entries by budding cooks and chefs are arriving for the Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority (MRWA) recipe competition but organisers are calling for more in advance of the deadline on 6 August.

The campaign – called ‘Make 28 Taste Great’ – has been launched in response to the fact that 28% of waste in Merseyside and Halton is food waste. As much as £50 a month can be saved by using leftovers more effectively and by local shopping.

The recipe competition is looking for smart ways to use leftovers and ingredients easily at hand to create healthy meals.

Carl Beer, Chief Executive of MRWA, said: “With the school summer holidays looming we are seeking more recipes from residents particularly for starters, puddings or drinks, and for the age 11-17 category. I’m sure parents or grandparents will encourage everyone to enter with an idea and a regional flavour to it!”

Entries are encouraged in two age groups 11-17 and 18 plus. There are three categories for each age group – a starter, main course and pudding or drink.

Widnes born, celebrity chef Brian Mellor is helping judge and support the 12 shortlisted entries who will be invited to cook for him and special guests on August 14th or 19th at Liverpool Community College’s restaurant, The Academy.

The judges will decide the winning six ‘signature’ recipe cards available from October. There are further prizes for the six winners who will be announced at Liverpool Food and Drink Festival.

MRWA Chairperson Councillor Graham Morgan said: “Statistics show that over a quarter of a Merseyside bin is food waste, a lot of which would still be edible. As well as a waste of food it’s also a waste of money as people buy things that they throw away totally uneaten. This is costing each household £50 a month! This competition is just one initiative we’re using to raise awareness of food waste.”

Liverpool city Councillor Laura Roberston-Collins, said:”Far too much food ends up in waste and this competition is a great way of getting people to think of how they can use leftovers and reduce the amount of food which ends up in bins.”

MRWA wants to know who can make the most of their leftovers – it might be a recipe passed down by your Mum or something you’ve invented with the contents of your fridge and store cupboard one night.

Entry forms are available at libraries, One Stop Shops and throughout the region. Entries are also encouraged on the web site www.make28tastegreat.co.uk where visitors to the site can understand more about saving food waste with links to www.recycleformerseysideandhalton.com


Liverpool Waterfront