The NHS in Liverpool wants to know what you think about plans to improve health and health services in the city.
NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) – the organisation responsible for arranging local health care – is asking for the feedback as part of the Healthy Liverpool programme. Until the end of August 2015, everyone in Liverpool has the opportunity to give their views on both the case for why the current health system needs to change, and the areas that are being put forward as priorities.
You can take part by filling in an online survey at, or by stopping by at one of the community roadshows which are touring Liverpool over the coming weeks (details below).
The CCG is also holding a series of events with community and voluntary sector organisations, to ensure that all the city’s communities have the opportunity to make their voices heard. The survey is available in a number of different languages and formats on the CCG website or by contacting the CCG’s engagement team on (0151) 295 8607.
As well as setting out why the CCG thinks that change is needed for the city, the survey also asks for views on the five areas of work that Healthy Liverpool is focussing on: living well; community services; hospital services; urgent and emergency care; and digital innovation and care.
This latest phase of Healthy Liverpool closes on Monday, August 31. The information collected at roadshows, online and in meetings with community groups will be used to help shape the next part of the programme – there’ll be more opportunities to have your say as plans develop.
Healthy Liverpool is a five-year programme led by NHS Liverpool CCG, working in partnership with Liverpool City Council and organisations who deliver health services in the city.
Roadshow dates:
Wednesday 5th August – Lifestyles Walton Hall Park, Walton Hall Avenue, L4 9XP (4pm-7pm)
Thursday 6th August – Yew Tree Medical Centre, Berrford Rd, Dovecot, L14 4ED (8.30am-12.30noon)
Friday 7th August – Williamson Square, City Centre, (9am-4.30pm)
Saturday 8th August – Liverpool Loves, Pier Head, (9am-4.30pm)
Wednesday 12th August – Community Health event, Isla Gladstone, Stanley Park, L4 0TD (11.00am-3.00pm)
Friday 14th August – Bold Street, City Centre (9am-4.30pm)
Tuesday 18th August – Minerva Women’s Group, St Mary’s Millennium Centre, West Derby (8pm-9pm)
Thursday 20th August – SLH Coffee Morning, Cobden Place, Vale Road, Woolton, L25 7UB (10.30am-12noon)
Friday 21st August – Clayton Square, City Centre 9am-4.30pm
Wednesday 26th August – Lifestyles Millennium, ground and first floor, Millennium House, Victoria Street, L1 6JD (3.00pm-7.00pm)
Friday 28th August – SLH Office, Parklands, Conleach road, Speke, L24 0TY (12noon-3pm)