Benefiting from advice

A roadshow to explain recent changes in the welfare benefits system will be held next week.

The first Picton Welfare Benefits Road Show takes place on Tuesday 11 June (3.30-5pm) at Lawrence Community Primary School, Lawrence Road, Wavertree.

Representatives from the main housing associations in the area including LMH, Riverside, LHT and Pierhead will be on hand to provide advice on how the changes affect tenants.

Other groups providing advice are: Liverpool Direct Limited, Lodge Lane and District Credit Union and the debt counselling organisation Christians Against Poverty.

Local councillor Tim Beaumont, said: “Many people are confused and worried about how issues such as the bedroom tax and other changes in the welfare system will them.

“We want to give them as much advice and information as possible to help them understand what are major changes which will affect their lives.”

Liverpool Waterfront