Person being supported by a professional

Blog: Feeling overwhelmed by the cost-of-living crisis? Mental health support is available locally

Financial difficulties and poor mental health are interconnected. With rising costs, it’s no surprise that more and more of us are experiencing money worries, and a subsequent impact on our wellbeing.

Advanced Public Health Practitioner, Jayne Cook is working to understand how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting the mental health and wellbeing of our communities and explains what support is available for those who are struggling.

With the cost of everyday basics like petrol, energy and food rising rapidly, many of us will have had to re-evaluate our spending. Creating a household budget or buying cheaper brands may be helping some people. Others will have had to make more significant changes, such as cutting back on energy use and other essentials – but what about those who were already struggling?

Financial security is linked to feelings of self-worth – so when you struggle to afford the basics, people are left feeling distressed, ashamed, fearful, and overwhelmed. When there’s simply not enough money to go around, and people are having to make the choice between heating and eating – the devastating impact on mental health is clear.

Over the past few months, community-based support services have seen a rapid increase in people needing financial, housing, and mental health support.

Clinical services are telling us that interactions with patients are heavily dominated by anxieties relating to fuel poverty and the cost-of-living crisis, and organisations like food banks and food pantries are actively seeking support around mental health for their service users.

There are concerns that local services are becoming overwhelmed by the increased demand for support – but we are developing plans with partners to help manage and proactively respond to what’s happening in the city.

Winter pressures will mean a further increase in demand, but we’re investing to extend accessibility and the reach of the city’s mental health support services and we’re hosting targeted events for those at particular risk.

We’re now working with partners across the city to get people access to the help they need during this crisis and beyond.

Public Health are currently working in partnership with The Life Rooms to offer practical support around health and wellbeing. 

The Life Rooms employ a team of “Pathways Advisors” who are experts in helping people navigate the routes to support for all kinds of things that can impact wellbeing – including family and caring responsibilities, mental health and physical wellbeing, social isolation, employment, learning, financial difficulties and housing issues.

The Life Rooms understand that some of these challenges are very difficult to unpick, especially when you’re feeling down, stressed, lacking confidence or unable to think straight. The Life Rooms will help you to address those feelings and improve your wellbeing so that you’re in a better position to take on the things that are bringing you down.”

Urgent Mental Health Support

If people are feeling in crisis and have suicidal thoughts, they can call Mersey Care NHS on freephone 0800 145 6570.

A trained and experienced team is on hand ready to listen and offer urgent mental health support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Or text: the word HEAL to 85258. This is a free, confidential 24/7 text message support service which is available for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope

Support in your community

In addition to their Walton location, The Life Rooms are providing community-based support at the following locations:

Location AddressDay /Time
North Liverpool
Norris Green LibraryTownsend Avenue, Norris Green, Liverpool, L11 5AFWednesday & Friday 09:30am – 3:30pm
County Childrens CentreArnot St, Walton, Liverpool, L4 4EDTuesday 09:00am – 3:00pm
Kirkdale One Stop Shop  101 Walton Rd, Kirkdale, Liverpool, L4 4AGMonday & Tuesday 09:30am – 3:30pm
Yew Tree Childrens CentreBerryford Road Dovecot, L14 4EDMonday 09:30am – 3:30pm
Central Liverpool
Tuebrook Childrens Centre61 Lower Breck Rd, Tuebrook, Liverpool, L6 4BXThursday 09:30am – 3:30pm
Kensington LibraryKensington, Liverpool, L7 2RJWednesday & Thursday 09:30am – 3:30pm
Kensington Childrens Centre  23 Quorn St, Edge Hill, Liverpool, L7 2QRWednesday 09:30am – 3:30pm
Central Library  William Brown St, Liverpool, L3 8EWThursday 12:30pm – 3:30pm Friday 09:30am – 3:30pm
Wavertree Childrens Centre  85 Wellington Road Wavertree, L15 4LEMonday 09:30am – 3:30pm
Picton Childrens Centre139 Earle Road Liverpool, L7 6HDFriday 11:00am – 3:30pm
Toxteth LibraryWindsor St, Toxteth Liverpool L8 1XFMonday & Friday 09:30am – 3:30pm
South Liverpool
Lee Valley Millennium CentreChildwall Valley Rd, Belle Vale Liverpool, L25 2PRMonday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 09:30am – 3:30pm
Belle Vale Childrens CentreHedgefield Rd, Belle Vale Liverpool, L25 2RWTuesday 09:30am – 3:30pm
Garston Library  Bowdon Road, Garston Liverpool, L19 1QNMonday & Tuesday 09:30am – 3:30pm
Garston Childrens Centre  70 Banks Rd, Garston, Liverpool, L19 8JZFriday 09:00am – 3:00pm
Parklands LibraryConleach Rd, Speke, Liverpool, L24 0TYFriday 09:30am – 3:30pm
Childwall & Woolton Childrens CentreRudston Road, Liverpool, L16 4PQThursday 09:30am – 3:30pm

Visit for more information.

Liverpool Waterfront