Flu season is now well and truly upon us, and with an increased risk of people getting flu and being hospitalised as a result, Director of Public Health for Liverpool, Matthew Ashton urges those who are eligible for their seasonal flu jabs to get protected as soon as they can
“With colder weather here, people are spending more time indoors. And as with every winter, we are seeing a rise in transmission of certain viruses, such as RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and flu.
However, this year is a bit different. After two years of hardly any flu and the resultant reduced immunity levels in our community, we’re at risk of a severe flu season. Australia struggled with the same strain that caused a bad flu season here in 2017-18 – and it’s also worth noting that we recorded double the amount of excess deaths thought to be associated with flu during that same period.
Flu season is now upon us. This week it’s been confirmed that flu is circulating at sufficient levels in our communities that antivirals are to be prescribed to clinical at risk groups. In the last week alone we’ve seen an 80% rise in hospitalisations in the North West from flu.
The best and most effective way to protect ourselves, and our loved ones this winter is through vaccination.
This year’s flu jab is a good match for the type of seasonal flu that is currently circulating (H3N2) and its available to those most at risk from complications – including those aged 50 and over, those with certain long-term conditions, pregnant women, and those with no natural immunity.
And if you have a 2-3 year old, or a child in primary school, don’t forget that they will also be eligible for nasal flu spray through your GP practice or school health team this winter to help protect them from illness too.
I understand that after almost three years of non-stop talk of jabs and boosters, vaccine fatigue may have set in – but it’s actually more important than ever this winter, because vaccination will increase and prolong people’s protection, which otherwise wanes over time.”
How to get protected
Flu vaccination
You can get your flu jab at your GP practice or local pharmacy, and if you’re eligible under the NHS it’s available free of charge.
If you’re not eligible for the free NHS jab, you can still get vaccinated at a local pharmacy – and the cost is around £12-15.
Find out more here: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/prescriptions-and-pharmacies/pharmacy-nhs-flu-vaccine-service/
Nasal flu spray for school aged children
All primary school children and some secondary school children are eligible for the flu nasal spray this year, which is usually given at school.
If you have any questions about this or your child has missed their school clinic but you would still like them to be vaccinated, you can contact the School Immunisation Team on 0151 295 3833 or email: vacandimms.team@nhs.net
You can find more information about this offer here: https://www.merseycare.nhs.uk/our-services/liverpool/vaccination-and-immunisation
Nasal flu spray for 2-3s
GP surgeries are also inviting children aged two and three years old (age on 31 August) for this nasal spray vaccination at their practices.
Please contact your GP practice to make an appointment if your child is or due or overdue.