Preparation is well under way in Liverpool for the General Election on Thursday 4 July, in which around 340,000 people are eligible to go to the polls, writes Liverpool Returning Officer, Andrew Lewis.
The football season is over. Jurgen is out, Arne is in. Players and coaching staff are on the beach and fans are waiting for the Euros thinking what players their club should buy - but away from the pitch, the work doesn’t stop for one team, writes Phil Smith, Head of Building Control at Liverpool City Council.
As people are asked to Wear It Green tomorrow (Thursday, 16 May) for Mental Health Awareness Week, Kate Robinson, our Physical Activity and Sport Development Officer has penned her thoughts on the importance of looking after your body to support your mind...whatever your age!
Council Leader, Cllr Liam Robinson, reflects on the news that the Commissioner-led intervention is to end in June 2024, with the Council having its powers handed back.
As local authorities continue to feel the squeeze when it comes to investing in the cultural sector, Liverpool City Council’s...
Liverpool’s Director of Public Health, Professor Matt Ashton, on why you should protect your loved ones against measles, which is...
Council Leader, Cllr Liam Robinson urges everyone, living or working in Liverpool, to take part in a consultation on the Council's equality objectives 2024-2028.
Liverpool’s Director of Public Health, Professor Matt Ashton, writes about the importance of getting the MMR vaccine to protect against measles.
Hearing what residents think about Council-run services and the services they would like to see in the future is very...
Council Leader, Cllr Liam Robinson, reflects on 2023 and looks ahead to the new year...
Chart-topping put Liverpool on the music map, and we have a wall of discs to prove it. It was a big deal then and it still is now, writes Kevin McManus, Head of UNESCO City of Music (and someone with history of a No1 hit)...
The newest addition to the city’s waterfront is fast emerging on our skyline thanks in part to a team off the pitch working their socks off, writes Sam Campbell, Liverpool City Council's Director of Planning and Building Control.
We have a Bonfire Night problem in Liverpool – and it needs tackling head on, writes Councillor Laura Robertson-Collins, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods.
Professor Matt Ashton, Chair of the Eurovision evaluation group, explains why Liverpool’s hosting of Eurovision 2023 has set a blueprint for others to follow…