Liverpool’s breast feeding support service has been visiting secondary schools to promote the benefits of mother’s milk to pupils.
The ‘Bambis’ have recently visited Broadgreen Internation School and Calderstones School to deliver information around the ‘Benefits of Breast Milk’ to year 10 and 11 students.
The team discussed the benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mum, the differences between human milk and animal milk, looked at the composition of human milk/formula milk and discussed breastfeeding myths.
Students were really surprised to learn that the composition of a donkey’s milk is close to human milk!

Feedback from pupils showed they found it fun and learnt a lot.
Laura Dudley,a teacher at Broadgreen International School, said: “Thanks so much again for your brilliant sessions. The students really enjoyed it especially year 10.’
Bambis provide antenatal information for mums choosing to breastfeed and sessions are held in local children’s centres.
In the past three years they have supported over 10,000 women in Liverpool to breastfeed their babies.
More information about the work of the Bambis is available here