Caffeine boost for homeless

A new initiative is being launched to encourage local people to ‘buy’ a coffee for a homeless person.

Customers at coffee shops and restaurants can pay for a hot drink and at a later date a homeless person can then go into the shop and ask if there are any ‘suspended coffees’, which they can then have for free.

The money raised will then be transferred to the Suspended Coffee Liverpool Trust which will support all local homeless shelters, disadvantaged families and pensioners. The idea is that nobody in Liverpool will go a day without a hot drink or a meal.

The first coffee shop will be Gourmet Coffee UK, at the back of the Town Hall on Exchange Flags. They will begin to sell suspended coffee on April 12th. It will then be rolled out to other locations at a sign up event on Thursday 6 June.

It is hoped the scheme will take off, allowing the people of Liverpool to make a real difference to those less fortunate in the local community.

Anyone wanting more information about the project, or wanting to sign up can contact Victoria Lewis via email or telephone 0788 681 1790.


Liverpool Waterfront