Campaign to help survive winter

As Winter approaches a campaign to help reduce the number of excess deaths in Liverpool in the coming months is getting under way.

The 2015 Winter Survival campaign, organised by the city council’s Healthy Homes team, will be launched in the BBC Radio Merseyside foyer, Hanover Street, on Wednesday 21 October (10.00am to 2.00pm).

This is a drop-in event aimed at elderly residents. Healthy Homes will be providing information about how to keep warm and safe during the winter months.

Councillor Gerard Woodhouse, Mayoral lead for Older People, said: “This is a very important initiative – as it is literally about saving people’s lives and ensuring our older residents are safe and warm throughout the winter.

“We have seen a reduction in the number of excess winter deaths in the city over the last three years but there were still more than 150 last year in what was a not particularly harsh winter.

“The Winter Survival Campaign is an important way in which we can cut that  figure.  It provides a lot of information and advice on keeping warm and safe in the coming months and I would hope as many people as possible drop in to the launch event and to future sessions.

“Healthy homes and the city council are liaising with partners to prepare for the winter try and ensure that vulnerable people are looked after.

“But we can all play our part by looking out for our neighbours during any cold weather.”

At the launch information will be provided by a number of agencies including

• Public Health – Information about the flu jab and out of hours services.

• Fuel Poverty – Advice for people who are spending more than 10% of their income on fuel bills.

• Energy Efficiency – Information about advice and support to improve energy efficiency in the home.

• Benefit Maximisation – the council service which provides advice, guidance and assistance with the full range of welfare benefits.

• Health Watch – Information about access to health services in Liverpool, giving people the chance to speak about their experience of these services and what to do if you are not happy with any of them.
• Local Solutions – information about services, including shopmobility , fuel debt, and support for carers.

• Wheel Meet Again – a project to provide activities for older, less mobile and isolated residents.
• Liveability – a service to promote health and independence of older people including the active ageing fitness programme.

Following the launch the campaign will be taken out into the city where a number of roadshows and sessions at luncheon clubs will be held to get the winter survival message to as many people as possible.

• The Winter survival guide can be viewed at



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