Wind turbines at Seaforth

Carbon cuts plan agreed

A plan which supports hundreds of millions of pounds of investment while helping cut carbon emissions had been agreed.

The Sustainable Energy Action Plan, (SEAP) which has been endorsed by the city council’s cabinet, brings together low carbon programmes throughout the City Region

Liverpool has signed up to the EU Covenant of Mayors under which it has agreed to go beyond the target of reducing carbon emissions of 20% by 2020.

A key element of the Covenant is the SEAP which sets out priorities for Liverpool and the wider city region to enable it to reach its target for carbon reductions.

As part of the SEAP a basic emission inventory was carried out to establish the current position. This shows that between 2005 and 2008 Carbon dioxide emission fell in the city region by 12%, from 10,004 tonnes to 8,797 tonnes.

“These are very encouraging figures and they demonstrate clearly how we are working toward meeting and exceeding targets, “said Councillor Tim Moore, cabinet member for transport and climate change. “However, we still want to drive forward the sustainable energy agenda.

“The SEAP is an important element in this and the work to date has been achieved by councils and the private sector working together to develop low carbon solutions.

“It will support the preparation of bids which have the potential to see between £200 and £500 million invested in the region. They will help make us a more resilient and greener city.

“The priorities for Liverpool are projects that reduce carbon emissions for housing properties and those which help develop local heat and power generation and local supply networks, such as the Eldonian Village’s dual fuel energy centre.”

Liverpool Waterfront