Brushwood care home, Speke

Care homes closure is solely the decision of Shaw Healthcare

Liverpool City Council has reiterated that the decision to shut two care homes in the city is entirely down to the provider, Shaw Healthcare.

Social care staff are now working to support residents into suitable alternative accommodation following the company’s announcement that it will close Brushwood in Speke and Millvina in Everton due to low occupancy.

The provider says the decision is because of a high number of vacant beds. This is a situation replicated across the city region which currently has thousands of spare places, due to the impact of COVID-19 on demand for care.

Liverpool City Council does not have the funding to be able to take over the running of the homes. Even if it did, other homes would then be likely to demand similar additional resources.

Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson said: “This is a heart breaking position for families and I wholeheartedly wish the council could help keep both homes open, but this is Shaw Healthcare’s decision and we simply don’t have the money to step in.

“We have called on the Government to urgently intervene to stop the closure of care homes while we have a Covid-19 pandemic as it has massively destabilised the demand for residential and nursing care home places.

“During this difficult time for everyone we will, through our social work teams, help as much as we can in these most worrying and difficult times for residents and their families.

“Our staff are now working closely with the homes and the residents and the families to carry out detailed assessments to make sure they are supported into appropriate alternative accommodation with dignity and respect.”

More information about the background to the homes and the closure can be found here.

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