immunisation drop in clinics

Children’s Immunisation Catch-Up Clinics

Has your son or daughter missed any of their routine immunisations at their GP?

Over the coming month, Mersey Care’s School Immunisation Team will be hosting a series of weekly ‘catch-up clinics’ offering children in Liverpool any childhood immunisations that they may be overdue.

These catch-up clinics will be held at County Children’s Centre, Arnot Street, Walton, L4 4ED on three consecutive Thursdays – including 24 November, 1 December and 8 December, from 1- 4pm.

Most routine childhood immunisations will be available at these catch-up clinics – including pre-school boosters, MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), and meningitis.

The annual nasal flu vaccination will also be available for primary aged children who may have missed their session in school.

The clinics will be offered on a drop-in basis – no appointment needed. Children will be seen on a first come, first served basis.

Please note that the clinic is only for vaccinations that are overdue. If your child is due to have a vaccination soon but hasn’t been invited yet, please wait for an appointment invitation as normal.

Nikki Wilinski, Vaccination & Immunisation Team Leader for Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust said: “It’s really important that childhood vaccines are given on time as this will provide your child with the best possible protection against diseases – but it’s never too late to be worthwhile catching up.

“If your child has missed any of their vaccinations, whether it was at your GP practice or a clinic at school, we’d really encourage you to make the most of these sessions – drop in and get them fully protected.”

If you are unsure whether your child is up to date on all of their childhood vaccinations, you can check in their NHS Red Book, or by contacting The School Immunisation Team on 0151 295 3833 or your GP practice.

You can find more information about the each of the vaccinations provides under the NHS Childhood Immunisations Programme, and when each one is due, on the NHS website.

Professor Matthew Ashton, Director of Public Health for Liverpool City Council added: “Thanks to the NHS Childhood Immunisation Programme, many dangerous and life-threatening diseases, such as polio, tetanus, diphtheria, measles and mumps, have virtually disappeared in the UK.

“But they are still around in many other countries throughout the world – and in the UK, they are only kept at bay by our high immunisation rates. That’s why it’s so important that we all keep protecting our children with life-saving vaccines.

“If your child is not fully up to date on all of their immunisations and boosters, I would strongly urge you to take full advantage of these catch up clinics and get them fully protected. If you are unsure as to your child’s vaccination status, please check their red book or ask your GP.”

If you would like your child to receive a catch-up vaccination, but cannot attend one of these drop-in clinics, you can also arrange an alternative appointment this by contacting Mersey Care’s School Immunisation Team on 0151 295 3833 or emailing, or by arranging this at your GP practice.

You can also speak to The School Immunisation Team if you have any questions or concerns about your child having a vaccination.

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