City walk-in centre to move to Linda McCartney centre

Mersey Care is set to move its city walk-in centre service from the Beat to new premises at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital in the Linda McCartney Centre from 16 October.

The move will allow the new premises to operate closely with the Accident and Emergency Department (AED) at the Royal, enabling emergency medicine specialists to focus on those with urgent and emergency conditions within the AED.

The decision to move the service was made because the site at the BEAT does not have the ability to comply with the nationally mandated Urgent Treatment Centre standards.

Trish Bennett, Executive Director of Nursing and Operations and Deputy Chief Executive for Clinical Services at Mersey Care, said: “We realise this may be an inconvenience to our patients who are used to turning up at the Beat and we’d like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by this move.

“The relocation will help join up services with colleagues at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (LUHFT) and help triage those injuries and illnesses that can be treated outside AED, as we have always done.”

The new Walk in Centre will be situated on the ground floor in Linda McCartney Centre accessed off Mount Vernon Street. This follows last year’s move of cancer services from the Linda McCartney Centre into the new Royal Liverpool University Hospital.

The walk-in centre at the Beat was unable to meet standards for improved services like diagnostics and X-ray facilities while it cannot provide adequate ambulance access, so Mersey Care declined to renew its lease for the premises.

Natalie Hudson, Executive Managing Director of the Royal Liverpool University Hospital said: “Locating the centre close to the hospital will see those people who come to our A&E with conditions that can be treated in a Walk in Centre, get faster access to the care they need close by. This will mean that our A&E teams can focus their skills on the patients who need them most.”

The service at the Linda McCartney Centre will continue to be run by a team of highly skilled multidisciplinary staff, who can provide consultations, advice and treatment for minor injuries and illnesses. Opening times will also remain the same from 8am until 8pm, seven days a week.

If you need same day urgent care, please contact or call 111. It’s available 24 hours a day, seven days per week and they’ll know the best service for your treatment need.

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