City looks to award new bins contract


Liverpool City Council is set to start procuring a new contract for its bin collection services which will help it meet its recycling target at a reduced cost.

The cabinet will be asked at its meeting on 2 April to approve a recommendation  that a10 year contract  for waste and recycling collections – with a possible five years extension  –  be secured to take over from the existing contract.

Currently the service is delivered by Enterprise Liverpool Limited (ELL) ,a  joint venture between the city council and Amey plc  Its contract was awarded in 2008 for seven years with an option to extend for a further seven years.

This contract ends in November 2015 and while discussions have taken place about an extension it was not possible to reach agreement on a number of issues.

The existing contract is worth £11m a year. However, it is believed that with efficiencies a new one can deliver a high quality service at a lower cost.

“We need to ensure that our residents enjoy an efficient and top quality service, one that can realistically help the city reach its recycling target of more than 55% by 2020 and save us money,” said Councillor Steve Munby, cabinet member for neighbourhoods.

“We are confident that this can be done and we will be able to make a big improvement in the amount we recycle while reducing the cost to the council taxpayer.”

The contract covers 216,000 properties and includes both managed weekly collection services for detached, semi-detached properties and some terraces and weekly collections for terraced properties which have four feet passageways.

The current workforce will transfer to a new contractor.

It is intended that the existing service will be extended until the end of February 2016 when the new one will come into force.

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