Given current pressures on hospitals we all need to do our bit to keep ourselves and our families well this winter, especially during periods when there is a weather alert.
Cold weather can be dangerous for many groups, especially those aged 65, pregnant women, as well as people with pre-existing health conditions as a fall in temperature increases the risk of heart attacks, stroke and chest infections.
However, there are plenty of things we can all do to keep everyone as safe as possible:
- Check on vulnerable people particularly if they live alone
- If it’s icy and you don’t have to go out – stay at home. Plan ahead if you can to make sure you have enough food and medications
- Make sure that your home is heated to at least 18 degrees
- Reduce the likelihood of infection by washing your hands often and for about two minutes
- If you’re already ill – be mindful of others and catch it, kill it, bin it – and wash your hands frequently
- It’s not too late to have your seasonable flu vaccination or Covid-19 boosters
If you are struggling to heat you home have a look at our information on fuel bills and energy efficiency.