Consultation on licencing policy

A public consultation has started over proposals which could see changes introduced in the way licences for some premises are considered in a Liverpool neighbourhood.

A Cumulative Impact policy (CIP) is being considered for part of Kensington and Fairfield.

If agreed it would mean that the Council’s Licencing Policy would be amended so there would be a presumption against granting any new licences for off-licenses or shops which wanted to sell alcohol and shops which applied to sell hot food and drink late at night (11pm to 5am).

It would also apply to applications to increase the hours of such existing licences or to extend such premises. However it would not apply to on-licences premises such as pubs.

This move follows representations made by the police, ward councillors and housing organisations about high levels of crime and disorder, public nuisance, street drinking, underage drinking and anti-social behaviour in part of Kensington and Fairfield.

It is claimed that this is due partly to the high number of off-licences and late-night refreshment premises the area.

Local Councillor Liam Robinson said :”There is a lot of concern in this neighbourhood about the number of off-licences and premises open later at night for food and drink. It is being proposed that we put limits on any future licences but we need to know what local people think and I would urge them to let their voices be heard on this issue.”

The consultation questionnaire and supporting information is available on the council’s website at

You could send a letter setting out your views addressed to the Licensing Unit at Liverpool City Council Trading Standards, Licensing and Enforcement, Community Services Municipal Buildings, Dale Street, Liverpool, L2 2DH or email to or setting out your views.

The deadline for the views to be received is 1 November 2013.


Liverpool Waterfront