Liverpool Town Hall

Council Tax energy rebate letters – an apology

Liverpool City Council would like to apologise to residents for an error in relation to the Council Tax Energy Rebate scheme.

On Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 June we dispatched approximately 10,000 letters to households across the city inviting them to apply for the energy rebate. These were households who do not pay by direct debit and use other methods, such as standing orders.

Late yesterday afternoon we realised that an error had led to these letters being dispatched to the correct addresses but with the wrong name. There is no possibility that a person can claim the energy rebate inappropriately using the details contained in the this letter because we undertake several identity and bank account checks before we make a payment.

We will now investigate this matter in accordance with our data breach protocols.

We are very sorry that this has happened and the correct letters will start to be sent to affected households from Friday. It will include advice to destroy the original letter and a reminder on how to apply for the energy rebate on-line.

We will work as fast as we can to ensure that the funds are deposited in residents’ accounts as quickly as possible.

Liverpool Waterfront