Public invited to share their views on plans to increase Anfield capacity to 54,000.
Motorists are being warned about 11 weeks of roadworks at Smithdown Road / Ullet Road in Wavertree
Liverpool City Council is to embark on its first major housing scheme in 30 years.
First tenants move into newly refurbished properties on Beaconsfield Street, Granby.
A wide-ranging regeneration scheme has been drawn up to breathe new life into a 20 acre site on the Edge Lane gateway into Liverpool
The Government has announced that Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has been awarded a total of £230million Growth Fund from 2015/16 to unlock the regions potential as an economic powerhouse.
Heritage experts head to city to explore âWhat World Heritage can do for Liverpool'
A series of greening projects to complement new active travel routes in Liverpool have been awarded funding from a European-wide climate grant.
Liverpool city council has taken over all market activities after it formally ended a joint venture arrangement with Geraud Markets UK.
Liverpool’s Local Plan - which sets out how the city will grow over the coming decade - has been formally adopted.
A number of projects to enhance and develop Further Education facilities across the Liverpool City Region and ensure future learners are equipped with the skills local employers need have been agreed in principle by the Combined Authority.
Liverpool City Council has reiterated its commitment to working with Everton FC in relation to their new stadium proposals but has stressed that while it can invest in a wider regeneration scheme, it is not in a position to fund the costs of a new stadium
Plans for a Winter Garden in Granby's Turner Prize award winning Four Streets have been given a boost by the Arts Council.
Work has been completed on the latest phase of new housing on Edge Lane in Liverpool