Kensington Fields

Don’t feed rats-plea

Residents in Kensington Fields are being reminded that “rats love rubbish” after several incidents of waste being left in alleyways.

Every household in the neighbourhood is to be leafleted this week highlighting the link between rats and waste food. The leaflet reminds residents that they should not put uncontained rubbish in the alleys.

The city council is offering to provide householders with containers to store waste until their collection day. A number of internal recycling bins have been bought, using the Mayor’s Neighbourhood Fund, which will be available free for residents of the estate.

And all households can be provided with a replacement blue recycling box if they need a new one.

Those residents who persist in leaving waste out when it is not a collection day will have enforcement action taken against them. In the last month 18 fixed penalties have been issued in this area and a further 19 residents have been warned that action may be taken against them.

“People  who act in this anti-social manner should be in no doubt that they will pay the penalty, ” said local Councillor Nick Small. “Leaving waste, especially food, out is an invitation for the area to become rat-infested.

“We are providing all households with the necessary containers for their waste and we will be reminding them what they should and should not be doing when they leave their waste and recycling materials out.

“There are several environmental improvements taking place in this area and we want the local community to show they have pride in it.”

Next week there will be a litter pick in the estate, including the front cellar areas of the terraced houses, which local students will take part in.

Among the environmental improvements taking place are the removal of the old concrete bollards on Hall Lane, then reinstatement of conservation area signage, installation of a new barrier rails outside the Kensington Fields community centre on Hall Lane, installation of a dog fouling bin on Hendersons Green, removal of graffiti across the estate and the removal of fly-tipped material in alleys.


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