Graduates from the Green Angels project receieved their awards at a special ceremony.
A statement has been released about issues regarding parking on match-days at Walton Hall Park.
PRIMARY school pupils are using planting power to help make Liverpool greener for generations to come.
HUNDREDS of new litter bins are helping to make Liverpool's streets, parks and open spaces cleaner and brighter places.
Landlords and letting agents in part of Liverpool warned that enforcement action could be taken if they breach a ban on âTo let' boards
A two-week closure of part of Liverpool’s historic “Dock Road” will end this Sunday evening (20 January) as key works complete.
It’s a flag waving day for Liverpool – after two of its best loved parks picked up a national award.
A green space in North Liverpool is to be converted into a park.
A blueprint to slash carbon emissions from waste – spearheaded by Mayor Joanne Anderson – is being endorsed by local authorities across Liverpool City Region.
The landlord of an unlicensed student house which breached safety regulations has been fined.
Liverpool is to benefit from the biggest ever investment in grassroots football in the city - designed to secure the long term future of the game.
Liverpool City Council is set to invest an additional £200 million in road repairs in a landmark investment aimed at tacking the deteriorating quality of the highways network in the city.
The second phase of a £2million investment in environmental enhancement of the Anfield Village area has now completed.
Two of Liverpool’s most famous roads are to undergo major changes next week as a £47m highways scheme reaches a critical phase.