New city council investment set to bring an additional 1,000 properties back into use.
Liverpool City Council is to dramatically speed up its £80 million roads investment programme.
Liverpool’s bike sharing scheme has hit a major milestone this week with its 100th station installed at one of the city’s up and coming districts.
A scheme to build 58 energy efficient family homes on brownfield land in Walton that has stood empty for 15 years, has started on-site
New framework to pave the way for planning applications to deliver a proposed £260m Anfield regeneration.
Community clean-ups are taking place to make Warbreck cleaner and brighter.
Ten thousand green waste heavy duty bags are being given away at Recycling Centres for householders who bring along their gardening waste
Derelict land across the city , equivalent to the size of a city park, has been brought into community use in the last few years.
More than 120 McDonald's crew from restaurants across Merseyside and as far away as Abergele joined forces with Liverpool City Council to tackle litter in five areas of Liverpool on a themed route in honour of Beatles Day.
A competition is being held in Liverpool schools to create a figurehead for the city's recycling efforts.
Entries by budding cooks and chefs are arriving for the Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority (MRWA) recipe competition but organisers are calling for more in advance of the deadline on 6 August.
A community-clean-up in Orrell Park is one of a series of events to make Warbreck cleaner and brighter.
Accelerator City team have also confirmed that a project director will be joining in the coming weeks to work with key partners including Ecotricity, and The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, to make the most of the opportunity 2025 presents
A pledge to work closer on climate change and fuel poverty issues has been given by councils and housing associations