Merseyside pupils are helping their schools earn extra cash under a Merseyside-wide campaign to recycle and reuse old textiles.
First of new 20mph signs appear in city, as part of major road safety initiative.
Consultation to begin over citywide compulsory licensing scheme for all private rented properties.
Giant wreath laid in city centre to support city's speed reduction campaign, The 20 Effect.
Chris Boardman MBE appointed as Champion for Liverpool scheme.
A new commitment to tackling the effects of climate change has been signed.
New courses have started to provide help and advice for landlords and letting agents.
Significant progress has been made by the city council in reducing its carbon footprint.
Friends of Warbreck Moor are helping make their neighbourhood greener.
Chris Boardman on fact-finding mission ahead of launch of Liverpool City Cycle Hire Scheme.
Liverpool residents are being reminded they can use recycling centres in neighbouring boroughs.
Snowy and icy conditions are set to affect Merseyside in the next couple of days
Bin collections over the Easter period and the following week are as follows: Collections will be normal on Good Friday...
Cycle Liverpool South introduces Tuesday evening rides for spring and summer.