Wooden dinosaurs

February fun – this half-term

Fabulous Reading events at Liverpool Central Library

This half term there is a real focus on the fun of reading for pleasure and introducing young people to reading, inspired by the 100 Novels That Shaped Our World Project.

Tuesday 17 February
Luma Creations presents Rhythm Tribes   
10-11am; 12-1pm; 2-3pm – Booking not required

The rhythm in songs often reflects the rhythm of syllables within words. Inspired by 100 Novels that Shaped Our World and using the themes of exploration, Luma Creations will explore the elemental rhythms needed for early year’s literacy through exciting 1 hour rhythmic workshops.

Coding Crusoe   
Friday 21 February.  
Liverpool Central Library
11-1pm and 2-4pm

Join Little Sandbox on a journey of exploration – Code your own BBC Micro:bit treasure detector to help you find artefacts hidden around the library which can be assembled into a desert island themed work of art. Booking is essential but look out for further sessions in the community Libraries in April.


There will be more Reading events, raffles, challenges and events across the Year of Reading – including a workshop for schools from the British Library and a visit from the the BBC VR headsets.

You’ll find event updates on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the library webpage where you’ll also find the Liverpool Year of Reading page highlighting reading activity across the city in 2020

#LiverpoolReads @Liverpoollib http://liverpool.gov.uk/libraries

Mr Tumble Liverpool

Stoneycroft and Knotty Ash Children’s Centre

Do you live in the Knotty Ash or Stoneycroft area and have children age between 0-5 years? 
Come along and take part in craft activities, singing, face paints and meet ‘Mr Tumble Liverpool’

Knotty Ash – Monday 17th February 1-3pm

Dovecot Holy Spirit Church, Dovecot Avenue, L14 7QJ  

Tel: 0151 233 4770

Stoneycroft – Friday 21st February 1-3pm

38 Scotia Road, L13 6QJ

Tel: 0151 233 477

Tricky Tales for busy fingers

Sefton Park and Garston Library

A hands on approach to telling tales – using pens and paper, ripping and drawing. Sal Tonge will share stories that have a twist or a trick to them, afterwards you can go and share them with your pals! An ideal workshop for kids who love to fiddle, show off and want some stories that they can remember for the rest of their lives, and perhaps even tell their kids one day!

Thursday 20th February –Sefton Park Library 10.30- 11.30

Thursday 20th February – Garston Library 1.30-2.30

Liverpool Waterfront