First all-night networking event for city

Liverpool’s first all- night networking event will take place,on Thursday 13 November from 5pm at Constellations, in the Baltic Triangle,  bringing together some of the city’s established entrepreneurs who will be on hand to share their experiences of setting up and growing successful businesses. 
Rachael O’Byrne the event co-ordinator said: “#LockIn will be an event that brings together established entrepreneurs in Liverpool from the creative, hospitality and marketing sectors with small and new businesses through workshops, Q&A panels, mentoring and networking.
“We want to support start-ups and new enterprises build their brand, get noticed and generate new business.”
#LockIn will host a Dragons’ Den contest that will have Liverpool’s leading entrepreneurs and experts from the business world as Dragons, including Paul Corcoran from Agent Marketing, James Noakes from Awesome Liverpool, Mark Hodgson from Another Level, Adam Hall from UnLtd and Erika Rushton from the Baltic Creative.
Small businesses, sole traders, start-ups and social enterprises can pitch for up to £500 on the night that will take their business to the next level or get their idea of the ground.
Another event highlight will be entrepreneur story-time that will give a platform to established small businesses in the city, including Liverpool Girl Geeks, Homebaked, Parr Studios and Phom Tea.
Rachael added: “We know it can be tough for small businesses to get seed funding and mentoring opportunities that they need for them to grow and develop, so we wanted to bring those key things together on one night.”
Juxdit, the real life crowdfunding company will be hosting Twilight crowdfunding, where businesses can pitch to the live audience for up to £600.
Annie O’Toole, the founder of Juxdit added ‘Crowdfunding is breathing life into businesses of all sizes worldwide. Now, with events like the #LockIn, it’s not only creating, supporting and promoting businesses, it’s connecting them with the community that surrounds them.’
#LockIn is a Making Business Work and Plus Dane Group sponsored event.

To book a free ticket for #LockIn and to find out how to apply for the Dragons’ Den and Crowdfunding go to

Liverpool Waterfront