Hard to treat properties account for a third of the UK’s domestic housing stock and they will be the focus of a special session for landlords.
This is the latest in a series of development session aimed at helping make the private rented sector in the city managed to the highest standards.
This short course will introduce what is defined as a hard to treat property and:
• The kind of problems occupiers of such properties have
• Energy Efficiency solutions including but not limited to boilers, heating and heating controls
• Wall, roof and floor Insulation
• Lighting, water and energy efficient appliances.
• Estimates of typical costs and savings
• Information about grants and discounts.
It takes place at the Toxteth Annexe conference centre on 22 January (9.30 to 11am)
To book a place contact the Healthy Homes Programme on:
0800 012 1754 or email: healthyhomesprogramme@liverpool.gov.uk