Food for thought at conference

Delegates to a conference in Liverpool will find locusts, crickets and mealworms on the menu.

The creepy-crawlies will feature in a “Pestaurant”, at the Association of Port Health Authorities annual conference being held this year in Liverpool, and which will provide the opportunity to sample alternative food sources .

It is one of the more unusual features of the three day conference “Evolution-Adapting to Change” which will look at issues such as the control of international health concerns such as Ebola.

And it will also examine issues such as food crime and fraud and how enforcement can be made more effective. It will bring together regulators, enforcement agencies, industry and policy makers to discuss future challenges and ways to combat them

The conference will be held on the 8 -10 September at the Liverpool Marriott Hotel.

It will feature speakers from universities, DEFRA, Public Health England, Food Standards Agency and Peel Ports.

There will also be a Gala Dinner sponsored by Peel Ports Group at St George’s Hall with official dignitaries from Liverpool City Council, Sefton and Wirral Metropolitan Borough Councils

Mercola Douglas, Chief Port Health Officer for Mersey Port Health Authority, said “We are very pleased and honoured that the conference is being held in Liverpool.

“It is focusing on issues which have a real impact on people’s health and how action can be taken to combat food fraud crime and safeguard public safety.

“And we are looking forward to showing the delegates what Liverpool has to offer – I am sure they will be very impressed.

Further information about the conference is available at

Liverpool Waterfront