Freedom of City for Age Concern

Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton, will be granted the Freedom of the City of Liverpool next week.

On Tuesday 4 March, the Liverpool charity, which now incorporates Sefton, will be admitted to the Freedom Roll of Associations and Institutions of the City of Liverpool in recognition of services to older people in the city.

Age Concern Liverpool and Sefton Preside and Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Gary Millar, said: “I am delighted and honoured to be granting Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton The Freedom of the City.

“The dedication of staff and volunteers makes their service invaluable to older people within our communities.

“The role they play in making life better and providing support and advice for those most vulnerable is vital and in coming years will be even more in demand.

“The Freedom of the City is the highest honour we can bestow and Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton are a truly deserving recipient.”

Chief Executive of Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton, Dil Daly said: “We are proud to have been granted this prestigious honour from the City of Liverpool.

“This award recognises the hard work, commitment and dedication of all our staff and volunteers, past and present.”

Founded in 1928 Age Concern was the first of its kind established in the world and, has, for many years provided an excellent service to the City of Liverpool. The team are dedicated to protecting and promoting the wellbeing of older people in the city – providing a range of direct services which make life better for local older people.

In 2008 Age Concern Liverpool joined forces with the Southport branch to create a larger, more effective charity covering Liverpool and all of Sefton.


Liverpool Waterfront