Friday morning cafe talks transport

More than eighty residents attended a Customer Roadshow about public transport attended by bus and train operators.

The Friday Café at St David’s which was set up using some of the Neighbourhood Fund allocation for local Councillors Ruth Hirschfield, Frank Hont and Jeremy Wolfson, has run successfully for more than two years and has introduced a monthly community event on the first Friday of each month.

Councillor Ruth Hirschfield said: “These social events are very popular and provide a lot of advice and information on topics of real interest to the local community.

Councillor Jeremy Wolfson, a local councillor who is also a Member of the Merseytravel Committee, said: “Customer roadshows are a good opportunity for people in the local community to talk to the operators about transport issues that affect them and for the operators to give travel advice and up to date information on local issues.”

The next Friday Morning Cafe event at St David’s on 2 October will focus on family history and takes place from 10am until noon.

Pictured are Childwall Ward Councillors Ruth Hirschfield and Jeremy Wolfson, the Reverend Robert Williams, Vicar of St David’s, representatives from transport operators and Merseytravel, with local residents.

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