Gardens open to the public

Allotments, the grounds of private houses and a community orchard in a burial ground all feature in a scheme to open up gardens to the public.

Six gardens in the Greenbank ward will be open on Sunday 5 July as part of the National Gardens Scheme.

Local Councillor Laura Robertson-Collins, said: “I doubt if there is another ward in the country which has six gardens which are opening as part of this scheme. 

“They are a very diverse collection which will appeal to all tastes – with some of them rarely seen. It shows that we are greening the city even in areas which are densely populated.

“And visiting these gardens will also help some very worthy charities.”

The gardens are:
• Sefton Park Allotments, Greenbank Drive (opposite Merebank tower block) –Nearly 100 plots on six acres producing a wide variety of produce.
• Buckingham House and York House, on Croxteth Drive (Blocks opposite entrance to Cricket Ground) –  “Gardens for the people” developed by local residents around tower blocks next to Sefton Park
• Fern Grove Community Garden. Developed over the past two years on an empty housing site in Fern Grove with support from the city council. There is a rainwater collection system, and a beehive on site, with some of the grassland left rough to encourage insects. There will be children’s entertainment, including circus skills and a magician from 1.30-4pm (pictured above)
• Quaker Burial Ground Community Garden, next to 93 Arundel Avenue .A  community project which features  a pond, a young orchard, a vegetable bed, rock garden, bee keeping and areas set aside for wildlife. This garden has been supported by the city council.
• Sefton Villa – a private house at 14 Sefton Drive. A small walled Victorian garden
• Parkmount, private house at 38 Ullet Road, (near Princes Park Gate entrance to Sefton Park). The grounds of an old merchant house overlooking Sefton Park


All are open from 12pm – 5pm. A £5 per adult ticket bought at any of these provides admission  to all of them (children enter for free).  – and the money goes to charity Refreshments can be bought at all sites.

The National Gardens Scheme currently donates around £2.5 million every year to its nursing and caring beneficiary charities,

Further information is available at

Quaker burial ground
Quaker burial ground
Deputy Mayor Cllr Ann O'Byrne and Cllr Jamie Roberts at Fern Grove
Deputy Mayor Cllr Ann O’Byrne and Cllr Jamie Roberts at Fern Grove
Liverpool Waterfront