Giant's washing line in 1578

Giant’s washing line – and a giant cinema show

A “giant’s washing line” has appeared in the Smithdown Road area … days before an outdoor cinema show is staged.

The 40 metre washing line, slung 20 foot high between two telegraph poles on cleared land, has oversized clothes and pillow cases.

It was put together by local underground artist Maxdoubt and is designed to draw attention to the 1578 Life outdoor cinema event on Saturday 23 March.

The film, which will be projected on to houses in Canstfield and Tunstall Streets to reflect life of the residents in the area, using old photographs and home-made videos which residents have contributed. It has been put together by Illuminos, a company who specialise in creating inventive artworks.
It will be at the heart of a community event, L1578 Life, will also feature stalls, workshops and displays of artwork. It is organised by the L1578 steering group.

Councillor Steve Munby, cabinet member for the living environment and localism, said: “It is going to be a very big community event so it seems appropriate that there should be a giant piece of artwork to draw attention to it.”

The L1578 Life event, which is funded by Plus Dane Housing, starts at 5pm with the 40 minute film being shown at 7.15pm.

Liverpool Waterfront