Help for flood-hit homes

HOMES in West Derby which have been hit by flash floods in previous years are being given extra protection.

The City Council obtained a £200,000 grant from the Environment Agency to carry out flood protection measures at approximately 50 houses in Crawford Close, Leyfield Road, Leyfield Close, Churchdown Road and Churchdown Grove.

Work on protecting the houses was under way before recent  heavy rainfall.

Floods hit the homes in the summer of 2010 and some of the houses had been hit previously by floods.

Work, carried out by contractor Whitehouse, involves the fitting of flood protection doors, the installation of storm porches and “smart” air bricks. There will also be some repointing and the sealing of pipes and cable entry points.

Local MP Stephen Twigg will be viewed  the work t He said: “I am very pleased that action is being taken to give reassurance to occupiers that their houses are protected against flooding which can be devastating.

“While we can’t prevent flooding entirely, we can reduce the dangers through partners working together and with the people most at risk to minimise its effects and reduce the damage it causes.”

Councillor Steve Munby, cabinet member for neighbourhoods said: “The recent heavy rain , with the resulting problems, has underlined the importance of this work. People in this area have been hit by flooding on a number of occasions so we are trying to do what we can to help those in areas where the risk of flooding is greatest.

“Floods can happen anywhere at anytime because of rising ground water levels, burst water drains and run-off from sudden rain. We have had exceptionally high levels of rainfall this year and increasingly severe and frequent rainstorms mean the risk of floods will increase.

“It is difficult to predict and pinpoint when surface water flooding , which happens when heavy rainfall overwhelms the drains capacity in a local area, will hit but we can be prepared in those areas which experience has shown are most at risk. “

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