City centre in the snow

Help keep Liverpool in business

Businesses in Liverpool are being asked to take part in a quick survey to test how resilient the city is to events which cause disruption.

The anonymous survey, to be sent to all businesses in the private, public and voluntary sectors, will ask if they have a plan to deal with unwanted business disruptions, caused, for example by the loss of premises, staff or key supplier

It is being conducted by Resilient Liverpool a business think-tank chaired by the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Gary Millar.

He said; “Any business could be hit by an unexpected event at any time. For example 93% of large corporations and 76% of small businesses reported a cyber-breach in last 12 months.

“But there are many other events which can hit business or organisations or their supply chains ā€“ from adverse weather to industrial disputes outside their control.

“We are looking to assess what the current picture is and what can be done to make sure Liverpool is the most resilient business-friendly city in Europe so I would hope businesses will take some time to complete what is a short questionnaire.”

The survey will be used to develop the Resilient Liverpool event, training and exercising programme.

Its closing date is 2 December 2013,

Liverpool Waterfront