Row of terraced hiuses

Homes go greener

Hundreds of homes across the Liverpool City Region will be made greener after the city council and the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) won funding to deliver energy efficiency measures.

£1.397million has been awarded under the Government’s Green Deal Go Early Pilot Programme.

This will see 262 homes have energy efficiency measures installed, including new boilers, external and internal insulation and extra glazing.

A further 700 householders will be given advice on how to reduce their energy costs.

The programme covers homes in Anfield and Breckfield, the Eldonian Village and conservation areas. It will also cover other parts of the City Region including Wirral, Sefton, St Helens and Halton.

The Green Deal Go Early Pilot Programme supports measures to improve energy efficiency in commercial and residential buildings as part of the Government’s Green Deal initiative.

Liverpool City Region’s programme has been developed as part of the Liverpool City Region LEP’s City Deal2 agreement. It also supports the work of the city region-wide low carbon housing group, the Viridis Partnership, which brings together local authorities and registered social housing providers to share learning and expertise on a number of energy efficient retrofit programmes.

Greg Barker, Minister for Energy and Climate Change, said: “It’s fantastic to see Liverpool City Region taking the initiative to help people in the city make their homes warmer and more efficient. This scheme will also help householders save money on their fuel bills and I’m delighted to see trials for the Green Deal being run as well.

“I hope to continue working with the City Council to help transform Liverpool’s homes, businesses and communities through the Green Deal.”

Councillor Tim Moore, city council cabinet member for transport and climate change, said: “This funding is very welcome but it is just a start.

“Under the Government’s Green Deal proposals, and working with available Energy Company finance, we will be looking to make a real impact on energy efficiency and property improvements across the city region. We believe that we can lever in some many millions pounds over five years making the Liverpool City region greener while reducing energy bills.

“With this Go Early funding we are able to get off to a good star which will benefit hundreds of householders.”

Mark Knowles, Head of Low Carbon Economy at Liverpool City Region LEP said: “The LEP recognises the potential opportunity from the Green Deal initiative to create a significant number of local jobs in both the manufacture of green products and their installation and we are actively working with City Region SME’s to enable them to take full advantage of these forthcoming opportunities.”


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