The search for a new development partner for the Festival Gardens scheme is set to move up a gear, with Liverpool City Council (LCC) and Montagu Evans announcing a shortlist of candidates will be confirmed in Spring this year.
The bold proposal would see the transformation of a number of brownfield sites, which would also lay the foundations for economic growth and sustainability, encompassing Everton FC’s new £500m stadium at Bramley Moore Dock and the £20m Bootle New Strand development project.
Earlier this week, Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Sam East spoke at the Housing Community Summit at the Liverpool Convention...
Liverpool City Council is set to seek a development partner to help transform a prime waterfront spot into Liverpool's newest residential community.
Liverpool City Council has set out a vision to improve the city’s housing offer by 2030 with a commitment to support 2,000 new homes a year, reduce the number of empty properties and tackle homelessness.
Historic England is unveiling a national blue plaque today to George Harrison - music icon, songwriter and humanitarian - at his birthplace, 12 Arnold Grove in Wavertree.
Liverpool City Council has appointed a multi-disciplinary team of placemaking experts to help create a new neighbourhood next to the city’s Festival Gardens.
How can the Council help tackle the serious and organised crimes of modern slavery and human trafficking in Liverpool.
The owners of two abandoned properties have been prosecuted by Liverpool City Council.
A Liverpool landlord has been fined £30,000 for failing to obtain licences for two properties housing students.
Liverpool has a rich tradition of housing co-operatives, and a new strategy is about to revive the spirit of that approach, writes Cllr Sarah Doyle, Cabinet Member for Development and Housing.
Liverpool is set to spearhead a new community-led housing revolution with city council owned land and properties to be marketed to local organisations.
A series of drop-in events for tenants in the private rented housing sector who are facing issues with their property are to take place in Liverpool this month.
Liverpool City Council is offering a warm welcome in their libraries this winter, with free access to books, wi-fi and...