Festive baubles

Keep safe at Christmas


The festive party season is now in full swing. To make sure you keep safe this Christmas follow these simple tips from Merseyside Police to make sure you plan a safe night out:

• Plan your journey home before you set off. Pre-book a taxi, or arrange a lift with a non-drinker. Perhaps even select one of your group to be the designated driver and buy their soft drinks during the evening in return for a lift home.
• When you’re out never leave a drink unattended and never accept a drink from someone you have just met or don’t totally trust.
• Never leave your handbag or mobile phone unattended, even for a short time.
• Did you know that you could help to protect your mobile phone and other valuables by registering it with the UK National property register Immobolise? It’s a FREE service and increases your chances of having your property returned to you if it’s lost or stolen. Visit www.merseyside.police.uk to register.
• If you need to withdraw cash, try to do it in the day, when there are more people about and only take out what you need.
• Enjoy the celebrations but know your limits and stay in control. Drinking too much this Christmas could earn you an £80 fine for being drunk and disorderly.
• Never get involved in violence. Fighting in the street could get you six months in prison and a criminal record. Even if you didn’t start a fight you can still be fined or arrested for being involved.
• At the end of the night if you decide to walk home avoid doing so alone and stick to busier, well-lit streets.

Overall crime in Merseyside is falling; in the last six years there have been over 80,000 fewer victims of crime. Let’s work together to keep crime down and enjoy the festivities this Christmas.



Liverpool Waterfront