Shoppers in Liverpool City Centre will be able to get advice on keeping warm this winter – and cutting their fuel bills.
The Healthy Homes team are bringing their Winter Survival trailer to Williamson Square on 7 November (from 10am).
Passers-by are invited to call in to get advice from the Liverpool Energy Efficiency Team, Scottish Power and United Utilities about how to prepare for the winter and how to keep themselves and their homes warm during cold weather.
Information will be available on how to get funding and grants for home insulation and there will be a chance to enter a free prize draw to win £100 off your fuel bill.
And if you are elderly or have elderly relatives or neighbours who are less mobile during the winter you can take home a free copy of Pete Price’s chair-based exercise DVD.
The Winter Survival Campaign is being run by Healthy Homes Programme team – a joint initiative by the City Council and Liverpool PCT. A number of roadshows are taking place at the city’s libraries
The team is also visiting pensioners’ groups in community venues to give advice and information.
“We want as many people as possible to get the message about how they can keep safe and stay warm this winter, ” said Councillor Ann O’Byrne, cabinet member for housing. “There is also a lot of information available about funding to insulate your home. Fuel poverty is a real issue and we are trying to ensure that our residents know what help they can get – if you are in the city centre when the trailer is there make sure you visit it. It will pay off this winter.”
A Winter survival fair will be held at St George’s Hall on 14 November,
Further information about preparing for winter is available from