Landlords asked to tackle anti-social behaviour

Private landlords in Liverpool have been urged to join with the city council in dealing with anti-social behaviour.

At a meeting of 20 landlords they were reminded of their responsibilities in preventing and remedying problems.

This was the first of landlord awareness session, organised by CLASS (Citywide landlord accreditation safety scheme), and was held as part of a 10 point pledge adopted by the council.

The landlords were urged by Councillor Ann O’Byrne, cabinet member for housing, to take action in carrying out adequate checks to cut the risk of letting to someone likely to behave anti- socially.  Tenancy agreements should also include appropriate clauses about anti – social behaviour.

“Anti-social behaviour causes misery for neighbours and damages communities, ” she said. “This year our enforcement officers have made more than 600 visits to homes of victims of this type of behaviour to provide reassurance and see what action can be taken.

“We are looking to landlords to work with us in tackling this issue. We expect all landlords, to take reasonable action to prevent and, where necessary, to remedy anti -social behaviour.

“Most landlords are responsible and want to work for the good of their tenants and the wider community. We will support them in carrying out their responsibilities so that together we can stop anti-social behaviour.”

The session was also addressed by Tom Reynolds from the National Landlord Association about good practice for dealing with anti-social behaviour.

The 10 point pledge is:

• The setting up of  a voluntary register for landlords

• The adoption of a Liverpool Standard to include minimum standards based on the Decent Homes Standard and best practice in the management of tenancies.

• The establishment of a  Landlord Accreditation scheme,

• Incentives for good landlords will be available for those achieving the required standard.

• A ‘Scores on the Doors’ service will be developed for prospective tenants.

• A confidential freephone line where people can report unregistered or poor quality landlords.

• Dedicated web pages for Liverpool landlords.

• The formation of a Landlords Advisory Group

• A Rogue Landlords Hit Squad will seek out and investigate poor landlords and take appropriate action.

•  A feasibility study and consultation will be undertaken on a Citywide   Selective Licensing Scheme.


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