Thousands of Liverpool’s street lights are being replaced in a programme which will produce millions of pounds of savings to the city.
Roads in the Church ward are scheduled to have LED lights installed this week. They are:
Ashdale Road
Auckland Road
Barndale Road
Beechdale Road
Berbice Road
Bleasdale Road
Boxdale Road
Briardale Road
Bridge Road
Carsdale Road
Cassville Road
Centreville Road
Cherrydale Road
Corndale Road
Devondale Road
Dovedale Road
Dudlow Lane
Eardisley Road
Edale Road
Elm Hall Drive
Elmsdale Road
Garthdale Road
Gordon Place
Gorsedale Road
Grovedale Road
Hallville Road
Hartdale Road
Heatherdale Road
Herondale Road
Heydale Road
Hollydale Road
Ivydale Road
Kingsdale Road
Limedale Road
Mapledale Road
Mayville Road
Meredale Road
Millersdale Road
Montclair Drive
Oakdale Road
Olivedale Road
Pitville Avenue
Pitville Grove
Pitville Road
Plattsville Road
Queens Drive
Queensdale Road
Reedale Close
Reedale Road
Ribbledale Road
Rose Brae
Rose Lane
Rosedale Road
Rutherford Road
Sinclair Drive
Stanley Terrace
Sunsdale Road
Willowdale Road
• More than 20,000 of the city’s existing yellow sodium lights, which have concrete columns, are being replaced with LED lights on steel columns. So far more than 9,500 lights have been replaced.
The first phase of the programme, which is being delivered by Amey, is scheduled for completion in March and it is estimated that this phase will produce savings to the council of about £275,000.
And it is estimated that to date more than 900 tonnes of carbon has been saved
Overall there will be an 82% reduction in energy consumption. On-going maintenance costs will also be reduced by more than £100,000 per year when the programme is completed.
Amey has also invested in three new MEWPs (mobile elevating work platforms) and 18 tonne crane to assist the team in improving the core maintenance service, as well as continue their work in helping the city council deliver the street lighting upgrade. The new vehicles incorporate the latest health and safety design features and also have fuel-efficient engines to help Amey to meet carbon reduction targets.