New students arriving in Liverpool are being urged to get into the recycling habit from the start of their time in the city.
The City Council is working with the Liverpool Guild of Students to promote recycling at a series of events.
They start at the Freshers Fair at Mountford Hall on Sunday 23 September (12-4pm), the first time the council has had its recycling caravan at the event.
Students will be offered bins at a cutprice £1 for them to separate waste in their homes and advised about recycling of food waste and composting. They will even be given fridge magnets which have dates of when to leave their recycling bins out.
“Liverpool has a very high student population and we have been working with the Guild of Students in projects such as Leave Liverpool Tidy so that students get the reduce, reuse and recycle message”, said Councillor Laura Robertson-Collins, Chair of the Council’s Recycling and Waste Management Working Group.
“But it is important that we encourage new students to start recycling right away. It is probably the first time they have lived away from home and it may have been their parents who took the responsibility for recycling.
“We want to make it easy for them to be able to separate waste and remind them when they should leave their bins out.”
Councillor Steve Munby, cabinet member for neighbourhoods said: “We want to involve all sections of the community – including students – in helping us to recycle more. This is one of a number of initiatives which will see the amount of material which would otherwise end up in landfill being recycled.