As we commemorate five years since the pandemic began, Liverpool’s Director of Public Health Matt Ashton, looks back at how...
To celebrate International Women’s Day (Saturday 8 March), Liverpool City Council is launching a taskforce to develop a strategy aimed...
As part of our World Book Day celebrations, Liverpool City Council has launched an exciting new project to help parents...
Councillor Laura Robertson-Collins, Liverpool City Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities, Neighbourhoods and Streetscene, discusses the importance of a well-staffed Environmental Enforcement team when it comes to tackling fly-tipping and littering.
The project will see a transition to low-carbon hot water, significantly decreasing the Cunard Building's environmental impact.
Liverpool residents wanting to cut down on alcohol can get free expert support through a new app that promotes a...
Liverpool City Council and its partner agencies are set to introduce a transformative way of working to help families recovering...
The first Everton Stadium test event takes place today (Monday, 17 February) in front of a capacity of 10,000 spectators.
Liverpool residents will once again be able to recycle their garden waste, with green bin collections restarting from Monday 24 February.
A public consultation has been launched asking businesses and residents to comment on a vision to grow Liverpool’s multi-billion-pound economy over the next 15 years.
Liverpool City Council and its partners are calling on people across the city to take an HIV test and ‘know...
Accelerator City team have also confirmed that a project director will be joining in the coming weeks to work with key partners including Ecotricity, and The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, to make the most of the opportunity 2025 presents
Liverpool City Council is to introduce a ‘Football Match Parking Zone’ around Everton FC’s new stadium, at Bramley-Moore Dock.
Primary school children have become the first in 2025 to plant new trees through a Liverpool City Council initiative.