LIVERPOOL is a city for all ages!
That’s the official verdict following a major conference which celebrated all the great work taking place that makes Liverpool an age-friendly place.
This week delegates from towns and cities across the UK converged on Liverpool to look at how to improve the lives of older people both now and in the future.
Organised by the Centre for Ageing Better, the three-day event examined how older people can be involved in shaping age-friendly communities and how they can use their voices to influence policies and services.
Highlights included a tour around Liverpool ONE to show how the city centre is accessible to people of all ages, a special older-people’s theatre performance at the Royal Court Theatre and a game or two of ever-popular age-friendly Bongo’s Bingo.
Speaking about the event, Liverpool City Council’s Mayoral Lead for Older People, Cllr Jeremy Wolfson, said: “I am delighted that we have been given this opportunity to showcase some of the great things we are doing as a city to improve the quality of life for older people.”
“Working together we are striving to nurture relationships across the generations and make sure the opinions and concerns of older people can be heard and understood.”
Some of the great work going on in Liverpool includes the city council working in partnership with Liverpool Airport and the city’s Dementia Action Alliance to provide support for older people at the airport from check-in to boarding.
Watch our video all about it here:
Other great work includes a series of inter-generational events that take place across the city aimed at bringing older and younger people closer together.
Watch our video about it here:
Anna Dixon, who is the Chief Executive of the Centre for Ageing Better, said: “it’s great to be here in Liverpool and the city council has been great in co-hosting this conference. We have heard about some of the great work going on including a commitment to build accessible homes, a new rail service coming on stream with accessible carriages and also thinking about longer term issues such as how we can ensure older people can live well for as long as possible. It has been really inspiring to be here and we hope that Liverpool itself will lead the way in becoming an age-friendly city.”
Photo – a scene from the older people’s performance the the Royal Court Theatre.