A scheme which provides furniture and domestic appliances to people in crisis in Liverpool is set to be extended.
The ‘homes needs’ element of the Citizens Support Scheme supports residents who can’t afford to buy essential goods including a fridge, oven, sofa or bed.
Last year the £1.4 million scheme, which is delivered by Liverpool-based social enterprise The Furniture Resource Centre, made 12,000 awards.
A report to the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 25 March is recommending the ‘home needs’ element of the contract is extended for a further 12 months. A fresh procurement process to award a new long-term contract will take place later in the year.
Separately, the Citizens Support Scheme also helps people with ‘urgent needs’ including food and fuel costs and last year made 11,000 awards worth £800,000.
Examples of other support provided by the Council to low-income households includes:
- The Council Tax Support Scheme – which is one of the most generous among big ‘core’ cities and in the Liverpool City Region. It has recently been changed to give eligible households a 12 month award to provide certainty and help them budget
- In the 2025/26 budget, the Council committed to increasing the size of the Benefits Maximisation Service team by 50 per cent. Over the last year, they increased income for the most vulnerable households by £7,643,529 – up £433,583 compared to January 2024
Deputy Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Transformation, Cllr Ruth Bennett, said: “The Citizens Support Scheme is a lifeline for thousands of low-income households in Liverpool.
“This is a scheme that is discretionary but that we choose to provide because it is absolutely vital that residents – whatever their background – have access to basic household appliances and furniture.
“It is an integral part of our work to support vulnerable households which also includes the Council Tax Support Scheme and our hugely successful Benefits Maximisation Service which ensures residents are claiming all the support they are entitled to.”
Shaun Doran, CEO of FRC Group, said: “Liverpool City Council’s Home Needs Scheme is a vital lifeline for residents across Liverpool who would otherwise be unable to access essential furniture and appliances, lifting them out of Furniture Poverty.
“We are delighted to be continuing to work with the council on this scheme as it aligns perfectly with FRC Group’s core mission to end furniture poverty.
“We know from the work of our national End Furniture Poverty campaign that Liverpool’s scheme is one of the best in England, playing a crucial role in improving living standards for households across the city, and we congratulate the council on continuing to provide this support.”