Living Books mark Dyslexia Awareness Week

Discover what it’s like to live with a hidden disability and hear personal stories full of humour, determination and inspiration.

On Tuesday 6 October volunteer Living Books will make themselves available to be ‘borrowed’ by members of the public in Liverpool’s Central Library to talk about their lives and experiences.

Hear stories about how dyslexic people manage to navigate the world with a hidden difficulty. Have a conversation about the strengths and skills of dyslexic people. Living Books will include dyslexic people from all walks of life, including those working in the field of dyslexia support.

This event aims to promote dialogue, reduce prejudice and discrimination and encourage understanding about dyslexia and other hidden impairments.

Each ‘reading’ lasts 20 – 30 minutes and the Living Books will be available from 10am to midday and 1pm to 3pm.

The Dyslexia Foundation will also have an information stall on the day to signpost you to further information.

The event is free – all you need is curiosity and an open mind.

 Just turn up on the day, or call the Foundation for further information on 0151 709 0545 or email

Liverpool Waterfront