Director of Public Health, Matt Ashton, was asked what he thinks could help deal with the divide we are seeing in people’s attitude towards Covid-19, past, present & future.
Here’s his 10 point plan…
- Set objectives – be absolutely explicit on what is it we are trying to achieve.
- Clarity of message – what do we want people to be doing at every stage?
- Transparency – why do we want people to do it? What difference will it make? What will happen if people don’t do it? What progress are we making? Share the data!
- Be bold & brave – don’t wait to make hard decisions, get on with it! Always better in the long run!
- Have consistency – do the same thing over a long period of time, don’t change approaches, messages or slogans unnecessarily!
- Leadership – do the same as what we are telling other people to do. One rule for everybody!
- Politics – manage the political infighting, with both a big P and little p. Speak with one voice!
- The power of communities – do things WITH and THROUGH our communities, never TO our communities!
- Reflect & Learn – always take time to learn from what works and what doesn’t. Make changes if needed, and explain the reasons why.
- Have compassion – act like you actually care about the outcome. Behave with kindness and compassion throughout!