Liverpool’s Director of Public Health, Dr Paula Grey, is urging parents and carers to avoid measles by getting their children and teenagers vaccinated.
A new vaccination programme has been launched following new figures which show that measles is at its highest level in 18 years.
In 2012, there was a large outbreak of measles across Merseyside, with more than 300 young people affected. This year, measles cases are continuing across the city with 7 children confirmed already as having it.
Dr Paula Grey, Chair of the Cheshire & Merseyside Directors of Public Health said: “The only way to prevent measles outbreaks is to ensure good uptake of the MMR across all age groups, and that when cases are reported, immediate public health action is taken to protect vulnerable individuals as soon as possible.
“Measles is not a mild illness – it is very unpleasant and can lead to serious complications as we have seen with more than 100 children in England being hospitalised so far this year.
“It is never too late to get vaccinated against measles. Parents of unvaccinated children, teenagers and young adults who have missed out on MMR should urgently arrange to be vaccinated by their GP.
“If you are unsure whether you or your child has had two doses of the vaccine, speak to your GP who will have a record.”
The MMR vaccine is safe, effective and free.
To support the national programme, a new Facebook page has been launched in conjunction with NHS Choices.